Ex-government chief for UFO investigations: US considering extraterrestrial hypothesis


The former chief of the Pentagon's Unidentified Flying Objects-UFO investigations program publicly confirmed that the U.S. government has in the past actively considered — and is presently still considering — whether the most extraordinary unidentified flying objects are not of earthly origin.

The most extraordinary UFOs being those which have been subjected to multiple intelligence collection systems. UFOs where the collected data has then been subjected to extensive analysis in an attempt to rule out aircraft, meteorological phenomena, or other otherwise conventional explanations. UFOs which then still defy conventional explanation. Luis Elizondo told the Washington Examiner that the U.S. government has intelligence-analysis predicated reason to further investigate whether these UFOs are indeed not of Earthly origin. It matters because Elizondo says these UFOs (what the government refers to as "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena"/UAPs) are not believed to be of Earth nation origin.

Instead, Elizondo says it is a credible line of government inquiry that these UFOs are "extraterrestrial, extra-dimensional," or the creation of an Earth-based intelligence entirely unknown to our human society. Elizondo says it is "nothing more than an infinitesimally small possibility" that these extraordinary UFOs are of either U.S., Chinese, or Russian origin (or Israel or Elon Musk, etc.). Senator Martin Heinrich, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, recently suggested a Chinese or Russian origin vector is unlikely. Others have told the Washington Examiner they share that understanding. These attitudes are based on the information thus far gathered on this most extraordinary category of UFOs, as contrasted to the latest intelligence assessments on Earth nation and private corporation aerospace, undersea, and satellite capabilities.

But Elizondo's words should carry weight.

As chief of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Elizondo led the U.S. government's effort to identify, catalog, and more broadly assess UFOs. Those efforts now fall to the "UAP Task Force," run out of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Other elements of the U.S. government retain other ad hoc efforts to investigate UFOs. However, the measure of resources and coordination applied to these efforts varies widely.

Sources have told the Washington Examiner that Moscow — during the Soviet era — and very likely still today, operated a covert UFO research program. It was likely designed, at least in part, to replicate UFO technologies. Former Soviet Navy officers have publicly confirmed that they were engaged in researching underwater UFO-related phenomena. The South China Morning Post also recently reported on the Chinese People's Liberation Army research of UFOs. This varied research may include efforts to replicate UFO technologies. But Elizondo insists that he has not been briefed in on any such replication success on the part of the United States.

The timing of Elizondo's revelations are important, coming just as the Office of the Director of National Intelligence prepares to deliver a report on UFOs to Congress. That report is expected later this month.

On that count, Elizondo pushed back against that report's purported assertion, as first reported by the New York Times, that the government has no evidence to indicate an "extraterrestrial" origin for these UFOs. Elizondo told the Washington Examiner that the government has evidence to indicate that the most extraordinary UFOs are not "human-made machines." In deference to his continuing security clearance obligations, Elizondo would not offer more information on this specific topic when pressed.

Much may now depend on the outcome of the Defense Department Inspector General's ongoing investigation into how the Pentagon's UFO research effort has been handled thus far. The Debrief's Tim McMillan recently examined the significance this investigation may hold for the future of UFO research.

Regardless, Elizondo's comments to the Washington Examiner are striking. They appear to offer the first on-record corroboration by a former senior U.S. government official intimately involved in UFO research efforts that some UFOs are believed to be unknown machines of a truly extraordinary nature. Reflecting a stigma that flows across the media world and government, few want to state publicly what Elizondo has now said on the record.

See Source Article Here:

Ex-government chief for UFO investigations: US considering extraterrestrial hypothesis (msn.com)