The other humans: The emerging story of the mysterious Denisovans
Evidence Indicates a New Kind of Galaxy With Zero Dark Matter
Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace
Christopher JonesWorld Science Festival, Brian Greene, Lawrence Krauss, Shamit Kachru, Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, Spacetime, Mysteries, Space & Astronomy, Gravity, Hyperspace, Dimensions, String Theory, Universe, Space
240,000-year-old 'Child of Darkness' human ancestor discovered in narrow cave passageway
The Solvay Conference
Limits of Perception - The Secrets of Nature
New Fundamental Physics? Unexplainable Phenomena From Large Hadron Collider Experiment
Why we’re in tune with our emotions – but suck at judging our smarts
The quantum experiment that could prove reality doesn't exist
Jupiter's Great Red Spot extends far deeper than we realized
Brian Greene Explains That Whole General Relativity Thing
A new way to visualize General Relativity
The Passage of Time & the Meaning of Life
Christopher JonesLong Now Foundation, Time, Spacetime, Universe, Theoretical Physics, Philosophy, Sean Carroll, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Entropy, The Arrow of Time
TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time
Are 226,000-year-old handprints oldest art... or just child's play?
Mystery hominin had sex with ancestors of Neanderthals and Denisovans
Alien looking creature transforming near Ocean floor at over 3700 feet. Video from ROV
The Titanic could disappear in the next 20 years
We Might Not Be Alone In The Universe